1. Download pschaff’s driver disk from elrepo, select architecture that match your installer. <br >http://www.elrepo.org/people/pschaff/dud/

  2. the file you’ve downloaded should end with ‘.gz’. Uncompress that file. <br >gunzip DUP_el6_i686_20120402.iso.gz

  3. Create a temp folder. <br >mkdir initrd_update

  4. make a copy of that uncompressed file to the folder you have made <br >cp DUP_el6_i686_20120402.iso initrd_update/dd.img

  5. enter that folder <br >cd initrd_update

  6. run the ff. command <br >find . | cpio --quiet -o -H newc | gzip -9 > ./initrd_update.img

  7. copy initrd_update.img to your pxe installation folder as dd.iso

  8. modify your centos pxe kernel like this. <br >APPEND ksdevice=eth0 initrd=el6-kickstart/initrd.img,el6-kickstart/dd.img

  9. that’s should be it. once pxe downloaded initrd.img and dd.img the drive update disk will be automatically be applied.


