Update: on 64bit OS edit Makefile after source checkout and remove -m32

  1. Install Ruckus Zap tool on both PC/Laptop, installers can be found Ruckus website. Mac Windows For Linux: you have to compile from source. Open terminal and execute the following commands

    svn checkout http://zapwireless.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ zapwireless-read-only
    # or
    git clone https://github.com/ryanchapman/zapwireless.git zapwireless-read-only
    cd zapwireless-read-only
    make && make install

  2. Run zapd on both PC/Laptop,you should see something like the following.

zapd version 1.83, Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Ruckus Wireless, Inc.
Built Oct 13 2012 at 11:12:20
Zapd service started
  1. To test zap run the following command on either computer. zap -sIpOf1stComputer -dIpOf2ndComputer Zap should run for a number of seconds and you should see something like the following output.
0:> 403=rx 0=dr 0=oo 0=rp 403=rx in 50.1ms 94.7mbps 94.7 | 94.7 94.7 94.7 94.7 94.7 94.7 
  1. If all goes well then zap tool has been properly installed. If not check your firewall if its blocking Zap tool. Also don’t forget to read Zap’s tool Manual regarding changing windows registry to enable TOS bit modification